Why You Need To Clean Your Bong?
Best Way To Clean Your Bong
Gather Your Supplies
Now, Let’s Get into The Step-By-Step on how to clean your bong!
Step 1: Rinse Out The Bong With Hot Water
Step 2: Pour Bong Cleaner Inside The Bong
Step 3: Use Bong Caps To Cover Up Holes
Step 4: Shake The Bong With Cleaner Inside, Then Let it Sit for 10-20 minutes
Step 5: While You Are Waiting, Place The Stem and Bowl Inside A Plastic Bag With Bong Cleaner and Leave them On The Side
Step 6: After 10-20 Minutes, Use the Brushes and Pipe Cleaners to remove hard-stuck resin and grime
Step 7: Shake the Bong Again, Then Rinse With Hot Water
Step 8: Remove the Bong Stem and Bong Bowl From the Bag and Rinse With Hot Water
Step 9: Enjoy Your Clean Bong!
The Do’s and Dont’s Of Bong Cleaning